- airflow: Fix ContinuousTimetable false triggering when last run ends in future
- kafka-connect-transform-tosjonstring: Enable to pass empty ArrayList in schemaless
- airflow
- Add a note
airflow users
command is available when FAB auth-manager is enabled - Enable to add inline ssh key in GitHook
- Forbid extra fields on execution api
- Fix GitDagBundle to support https (include 46073/46179)
Fix GitDagBundle to support https-> revert- Set container name to envSourceContainerName in KEDA ScaledObject
- Support connection extra parameters in MsSqlHook
- Support multiple executors in chart
- Bump to mypy-boto3-appflow and pass without # type: ignore[arg-type]
- Add parent_model param in UploadModelOperator
- Add CloudRunServiceHook and operator
- enable AIRFLOW__CELERY__BROKER_URL_CMD when passwordSecretName is true
- Add a note
- dbt
- kafka-connect-bigquery: Support n:1 to topic2TableMap (topic:table)
- kafka-connect-transform-tojsonstring: Support to transtorm record without schema (schemaless json format)
- meltano
- datahub
- great-expectations: [DOCS] edit term(data_conext, checkpoints)-link in with airflow
- mageai
- PyAirbyte: Chore: Remove import only used in TYPE_CHECKING
- astronomer-cosmos: Improve MWAA getting-started docs by removing unused imports